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Engineering Information for Factory - 1938 Models

VERY RARE 1938 BUICK ITEM.  8-1/2" x 11", 102 pages, printed in Black & White, item contains some illustrations, but is not heavily illustrated.  The purpose of this 1938 Buick engineering book was to provide a guide for the assembly plants to follow when producing the 1938 Buicks.  Presents information and specifications from the Buick Engineering Department to the assembly plants to check and follow.  A valuable reference document when restoring your 1938 Buick.  Excellent information to compliment your 1938 Shop Manual and Service Bulletins.  A very rare and interesting document.

Item Number: 00562
Author: Buick Engineering Department
Type: Engineering Information
Donor or Source: Terry B. Dunham
Cost of Reproduction: $73.00
Cost of Original Document: There are no originals of this item available.

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