Valve-In-Head Buick Straight Eights
7" x 7-3/4", 35 pages. Item is printed in three colors and is exceptionally well-illustrated throughout. Presents and illustrates the mechanical construction and features of the 1931 Series 8-90, 8-80 and 8-60 Buick automobiles. Covers the new Buick Valve-in-Head Straight Eight Engine, engine mountings, cylinder block and crankcase, cylinder head, crankshaft, counter weights, torsion balancer, flywheel, main bearings, camshaft, timing gears, pistons, piston rings, connecting rods, valves, valve springs, valve lifters, rollers and pins, engine lubrication system, oil pump, oil temperature regulator, oil filter, crankcase ventilating system, cooling system, radiator, automatic thermostatically controlled radiator shutters, water pump, fan, carburetion, air cleaner and silencer, electrical system, generator, starting motor, lamps, battery, clutch, transmission, torque tube, rear axle, front axle, springs and shock absorbers, chassis, frame, brakes, steering gear, road shock eliminator, steering wheel, wheels and tires, controls, body, upholstery and cushions, roof construction, visor and sloping wind shield, instrument panel, specifications and service policy.